demo_buggy ode バギー
//自動走行、 ジャイロ効果を使う
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ode/ode.h>
#include <drawstuff/drawstuff.h>
//#include "texturepath.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4244 4305) // for VC++, no precision loss complaints
#define DRAWSTUFF_TEXTURE_PATH "C:/ode-0.11.1/drawstuff/textures"
// select correct drawing functions
#ifdef dDOUBLE
#define dsDrawBox dsDrawBoxD
#define dsDrawSphere dsDrawSphereD
#define dsDrawCylinder dsDrawCylinderD
#define dsDrawCapsule dsDrawCapsuleD
// some constants
// chassis 車の車台、ボディ
//#define LENGTH 0.7 // chassis length
//#define WIDTH 0.5 // chassis width
//#define HEIGHT 0.2 // chassis height
//#define RADIUS 0.18 // wheel radius
//#define STARTZ 0.5 // starting height of chassis
//#define CMASS 1 // chassis mass
//#define WMASS 0.2 // wheel mass
#define CAR_L 0.7 // chassis length
#define CAR_W 0.5 // chassis width
#define CAR_H 0.2 // chassis height
#define CAR_M 1 // chassis mass
#define CAR_START_H 0.5 // starting height of chassis
#define WHEEL_R 0.18 // wheel radius
#define WHEEL_M 0.2 // wheel mass
// dynamics and collision objects (chassis, 3 wheels, environment)
static dWorldID world;
static dSpaceID space;
static dBodyID body[4]; //車体と車輪3つの剛体
static dJointID joint[3]; // joint[0] is the front wheel
static dJointGroupID contactgroup;
static dGeomID ground;
static dSpaceID car_space;
static dGeomID box[1]; //box[0]で車体のジオメトリを表現
static dGeomID sphere[3]; //sphere[0~2]で車輪のジオメトリを表現
static dGeomID ground_box;
//ジャンプ台のジオメトリ ジャンプ台は「落下」する必要がないため「剛体」がない
const int WHEE_ALL = 3; //車輪の数
typedef struct {
dBodyID body; //動力学計算用のボディ
dGeomID geom; //衝突計算用のジオメトリ
} MyObject;
MyObject car, wheel[WHEE_ALL], jump_dai;
// things that the user controls
//speedは車輪回転角速度[ rad / s ] , steerは目標操舵角度[ rad ]を表す
static dReal speed=0, steer=0; // user commands
// this is called by dSpaceCollide when two objects in space are
// potentially colliding.
static void nearCallback (void *data, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2)
int i, n;
// only collide things with the ground
int g1 = (o1 == ground || o1 == jump_dai.geom);
int g2 = (o2 == ground || o2 == jump_dai.geom);
if (!(g1 ^ g2)) return;
const int N = 10;
dContact contact[N];
n = dCollide (o1, o2, N, &contact[0].geom, sizeof(dContact));
if (n > 0) {
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
contact[i].surface.mode = dContactSlip1 | dContactSlip2 |
dContactSoftERP | dContactSoftCFM | dContactApprox1;
contact[i].surface.mu = dInfinity;
contact[i].surface.slip1 = 0.1;
contact[i].surface.slip2 = 0.1;
contact[i].surface.soft_erp = 0.5;
contact[i].surface.soft_cfm = 0.3;
dJointID c = dJointCreateContact (world, contactgroup, &contact[i]);
dJointAttach (c,
// start simulation - set viewpoint
static void start()
//static float xyz[3] = {0.8317f, -0.9817f, 0.8000f};
//static float hpr[3] = {121.0000f, -27.5000f, 0.0000f};
static float xyz[3] = {3.10f, -2.24f, 0.95f};
static float hpr[3] = {120.0f, -25.50f, 0.00f};
dsSetViewpoint (xyz, hpr);
printf ("Press:\t'8' to increase speed.\n"
"\t'2' to decrease speed.\n"
"\t'4' to steer left.\n"
"\t'6' to steer right.\n"
"\t'0' to reset speed and steering.\n"
"\t'1' to save the current state to 'state.dif'.\n");
// called when a key pressed
static void command (int cmd)
switch (cmd) {
case '8': case 'A':
speed += 0.3;
case '2': case 'Z':
speed -= 0.3;
case '4':
steer -= 0.5;
case '6':
steer += 0.5;
case '0':
speed = 0;
steer = 0;
case '1':
FILE *f = fopen ("state.dif", "wt");
if (f) {
dWorldExportDIF (world, f, "");
fclose (f);
case 's': // sキーを押すと視点,視線を表示
float xyz[3], hpr[3]; // 視点, 視線
dsGetViewpoint(xyz, hpr); // 視点,視線を取得
printf("xyz=%4.2f %4.2f %4.2f ", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);
printf("hpr=%6.2f %6.2f %5.2f \n", hpr[0], hpr[1], hpr[2]);
// simulation loop
static void simLoop (int pause)
int i;
if (!pause) {
// motor
// ヒンジジョイント2の画像
// file:///E:/scrapbook2/data/20150501175023/hinge2.jpg
dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[0], dParamVel2, -speed);
//前輪回転速度を- speed [ rad / s ]に設定
dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[0], dParamFMax2, 0.1);
//前輪最大トルクを0.1 Nmに設定
// steering
dReal v = steer - dJointGetHinge2Angle1 (joint[0]);
// 軸1の角度 通常のヒンジジョイントの角度のようなもの
if (v > 0.1) v = 0.1; //±0 . 1で飽和
if (v < -0.1) v = -0.1;
v *= 10.0;
// vは±1の範囲で目標操舵角と実際の操舵角の差を10倍にする
dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[0], dParamVel, v);
dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[0], dParamFMax, 0.2);
//前輪操舵トルクの最大値を0.2 Nmにする
dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[0], dParamLoStop, -0.75);
//前輪操舵角の最小角を-0.75 radにする
dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[0], dParamHiStop, 0.75);
//前輪操舵角の最大角を0.75 radにする
dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[0], dParamFudgeFactor, 0.1);
//の問題であり、このパラメータはそれをごまかす (fudge)。 0 ~ 1
dSpaceCollide (space, 0, &nearCallback);
dWorldStep (world, 0.05);
// remove all contact joints
dJointGroupEmpty (contactgroup);
dsSetColor (0, 1, 1);
dsSetTexture (DS_WOOD); //木目のテクスチャ
dReal sides[3] = {CAR_L, CAR_W, CAR_H};
dsDrawBox(dBodyGetPosition(car.body), dBodyGetRotation(car.body), sides);
dsSetColor (1, 1, 1);
for (i=0; i<3; i++){
0.02f, WHEEL_R);
//for (i=0; i<3; i++) dsDrawCylinder(dBodyGetPosition(wheel[i].body),
// dBodyGetRotation(wheel[i].body), 0.02f, WHEEL_R);
//ground_box = dCreateBox (space, 2, 1.5, 1);
dVector3 ss;
dGeomBoxGetLengths(jump_dai.geom, ss);
dsDrawBox(dGeomGetPosition(jump_dai.geom), dGeomGetRotation(jump_dai.geom), ss);
printf ("%.10f %.10f %.10f %.10f\n",
dJointGetHingeAngle (joint[1]),
dJointGetHingeAngle (joint[2]),
dJointGetHingeAngleRate (joint[1]),
dJointGetHingeAngleRate (joint[2]));
const dReal *P = dBodyGetPosition(car.body);
float xyz[3] = {3.10f+P[0], -2.24f+P[1], 0.95f};
float hpr[3] = {120.0f, -25.50f, 0.00f};
dsSetViewpoint (xyz, hpr);
int main (int argc, char **argv)
int i;
dMass m;
// setup pointers to drawstuff callback functions
dsFunctions fn;
fn.version = DS_VERSION;
fn.start = &start;
fn.step = &simLoop;
fn.command = &command;
fn.stop = 0;
fn.path_to_textures = DRAWSTUFF_TEXTURE_PATH;
// create world
world = dWorldCreate();
space = dHashSpaceCreate (0);
contactgroup = dJointGroupCreate (0);
dWorldSetGravity (world, 0, 0, -0.5);
ground = dCreatePlane (space, 0, 0, 1, 0);
// chassis body
car.body = dBodyCreate (world); //車体
dBodySetPosition (car.body, 0, 0, CAR_START_H);
dMassSetBox (&m, 1, CAR_L, CAR_W, CAR_H);
//dMassAdjust: dMassSetXx()によって密度から設定した場合に、その質量を設定す
//だから以下のコマンドで CAR_M=1 で全体の質量を1に調整している
//はじめから dMassSetXxTotal()※ … 質量 (Mass) から設定すればいいではないか
dMassAdjust (&m, CAR_M); //車体の質量の設定
dBodySetMass (car.body, &m);
car.geom = dCreateBox (0, CAR_L, CAR_W, CAR_H);
//box[0]ではなくbody_geom とかわかりやすい表現してほしい
dGeomSetBody (car.geom, car.body);
// wheel bodies 車輪
// i = 0 :前輪,i = 1 :左後輪,i = 2 :右後輪
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
wheel[i].body = dBodyCreate (world);
dQuaternion q;
//dQuaternion: typedef dReal dQuaternion[ 4 ] dRealの配列
dQFromAxisAndAngle (q, 1, 0, 0, M_PI*0.5);
// (q, x, y , z, 回転各)となり上はx軸で90度の回転を示す
// 参考サイトはzの回転と記述されていたが、まちがい
//qに q以後の4つの引数を入れていることになるのか
dBodySetQuaternion (wheel[i].body, q);
dMassSetSphere (&m, 1, WHEEL_R);
dMassAdjust (&m, WHEEL_M);
dBodySetMass (wheel[i].body, &m);
wheel[i].geom = dCreateSphere (0, WHEEL_R);
//球状のgeomを作成 シリンダーではないんだ。描画はシリンダーでされている
dGeomSetBody (wheel[i].geom, wheel[i].body);
dBodySetPosition (wheel[0].body, 0.5*CAR_L, 0, CAR_START_H-CAR_H*0.5);
dBodySetPosition (wheel[1].body, -0.5*CAR_L, CAR_W*0.5, CAR_START_H-CAR_H*0.5);
dBodySetPosition (wheel[2].body, -0.5*CAR_L, -CAR_W*0.5, CAR_START_H-CAR_H*0.5);
// front wheel hinge
joint[0] = dJointCreateHinge2 (world, 0);
dJointAttach (joint[0], body[0], body[1]);
const dReal *a = dBodyGetPosition (body[1]);
dJointSetHinge2Anchor (joint[0], a[0], a[1], a[2]);
dJointSetHinge2Axis1 (joint[0], 0, 0, 1);
dJointSetHinge2Axis2 (joint[0], 0, 1, 0);
// front and back wheel hinges
// ???ジョイントの位置を決定 ジョイント番号:0 =左前, 1 =右前, 2 =左後
// i = 0 :前輪,i = 1 :左後輪,i = 2 :右後輪
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
joint[i] = dJointCreateHinge2 (world, 0);
dJointAttach (joint[i], car.body, wheel[i].body);
const dReal *a = dBodyGetPosition (wheel[i].body);
dJointSetHinge2Anchor (joint[i], a[0], a[1], a[2]);
dJointSetHinge2Axis1 (joint[i], 0, 0, 1);
dJointSetHinge2Axis2 (joint[i], 0, 1, 0);
// set joint suspension
// 車輪と車体の間のサスペンション
// i = 0 :前輪,i = 1 :左後輪,i = 2 :右後輪
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[i], dParamSuspensionERP, 0.4);
dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[i], dParamSuspensionCFM, 0.8);
//大きくなるほどソフト拘束 0から1の間 たぶんソフト拘束している
// lock back wheels along the steering axis
// 左右の後輪が動かないように固定する
// i = 0 :前輪,i = 1 :左後輪,i = 2 :右後輪
for (i=1; i<3; i++) {
// set stops to make sure wheels always stay in alignment
dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[i], dParamLoStop, 0);
dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[i], dParamHiStop, 0);
// the following alternative method is no good as the wheels may get out
// of alignment:
// 次のように速度をゼロにしてもうまくいかない
// dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[i], dParamVel, 0);
// dJointSetHinge2Param (joint[i], dParamFMax, dInfinity);
// create car space and add it to the top level space
// 上の設定を反映する
car_space = dSimpleSpaceCreate (space);
//space = dHashSpaceCreate (0);
// d***SpaceCreate()は
//スペース (Space):
dSpaceSetCleanup (car_space, 0);
// モード1にして 以下の①のdGeomDestroyをコメントアウトしても変わりなかった
// けれど........
//以下 各ジオメトリをcar_spaceに入れる
dSpaceAdd (car_space, car.geom);
dSpaceAdd (car_space, wheel[0].geom);
dSpaceAdd (car_space, wheel[1].geom);
dSpaceAdd (car_space, wheel[2].geom);
// environment
// ジャンプ台
jump_dai.geom = dCreateBox (space, 2, 1.5, 1);
dMatrix3 R;
dRFromAxisAndAngle (R, 0, 1, 0, -0.15); //4.5度かな?
dGeomSetPosition (jump_dai.geom, 2, 0, -0.34);
dGeomSetRotation (jump_dai.geom, R);
// run simulation
dsSimulationLoop (argc, argv, 652, 488, &fn);
dGeomDestroy (car.geom);
dGeomDestroy (wheel[0].geom);
dGeomDestroy (wheel[1].geom);
dGeomDestroy (sphere[2]);
dJointGroupDestroy (contactgroup);
dSpaceDestroy (space);
dWorldDestroy (world);
return 0;
コメントの投稿 (Atom)
0 件のコメント: