
ipython 天文画像 notebook 羽鼠糞投記

%matplotlib inline でエラーをおこす。

 画像はでたが ヒストグラムでエラーする

# coding: UTF-8
import numpy as np
%config InlineBackend.rc = {}
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

from astropy.utils.data import download_file
from astropy.io import fits

image_file = download_file('http://data.astropy.org/tutorials/FITS-images/HorseHead.fits', cache=True )

hdu_list = fits.open(image_file)

image_data = hdu_list[0].data
image_data = fits.getdata(image_file)

plt.imshow(image_data, cmap='gray')

NBINS = 1000
histogram = plt.hist(image_data.flat, NBINS)
Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\moto\.astropy\cache\download\2c9202ae878ecfcb60878ceb63837f5f
No.    Name         Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
0    PRIMARY     PrimaryHDU     161   (891, 893)   int16  
1    er.mask     TableHDU        25   1600R x 4C   [F6.2, F6.2, F6.2, F6.2]  

<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
(893, 891)
[[ 7201  6642  6642 ...,  9498  9498 10057]
 [ 6642  6363  6642 ..., 10057 10616 10616]
 [ 6922  6642  6922 ..., 10337 11175 10616]
 [ 5412  5132  5412 ..., 13000 12580 12021]
 [ 5796  5517  5796 ..., 12546 12546 11987]
 [ 5796  5796  6076 ..., 11987 12546 12546]]
<type 'numpy.flatiter'>
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-f3027ba6c0c9> in <module>()
     36 print(type(image_data.flat))
     37 NBINS = 1000
---> 38 histogram = plt.hist(image_data.flat, NBINS)

k:\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\pyplot.pyc in hist(x, bins, range, normed, weights, cumulative, bottom, histtype, align, orientation, rwidth, log, color, label, stacked, hold, data, **kwargs)
   2956                       histtype=histtype, align=align, orientation=orientation,
   2957                       rwidth=rwidth, log=log, color=color, label=label,
-> 2958                       stacked=stacked, data=data, **kwargs)
   2959     finally:
   2960         ax.hold(washold)

k:\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\__init__.pyc in inner(ax, *args, **kwargs)
   1809                     warnings.warn(msg % (label_namer, func.__name__),
   1810                                   RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
-> 1811             return func(ax, *args, **kwargs)
   1812         pre_doc = inner.__doc__
   1813         if pre_doc is None:

k:\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\axes\_axes.pyc in hist(self, x, bins, range, normed, weights, cumulative, bottom, histtype, align, orientation, rwidth, log, color, label, stacked, **kwargs)
   5958             x = np.array([[]])
   5959         else:
-> 5960             x = _normalize_input(x, 'x')
   5961         nx = len(x)  # number of datasets

k:\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\axes\_axes.pyc in _normalize_input(inp, ename)
   5889             """
   5890             if (isinstance(x, np.ndarray) or
-> 5891                     not iterable(cbook.safe_first_element(inp))):
   5892                 # TODO: support masked arrays;
   5893                 inp = np.asarray(inp)

k:\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\cbook.pyc in safe_first_element(obj)
   2540 def safe_first_element(obj):
   2541     if isinstance(obj, collections.Iterator):
-> 2542         raise RuntimeError("matplotlib does not support generators "
   2543                            "as input")
   2544     return next(iter(obj))

RuntimeError: matplotlib does not support generators as input

Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\moto\.astropy\cache\download\2c9202ae878ecfcb60878ceb63837f5f
No.    Name         Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
0    PRIMARY     PrimaryHDU     161   (891, 893)   int16  
1    er.mask     TableHDU        25   1600R x 4C   [F6.2, F6.2, F6.2, F6.2]  

<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
(893, 891)
[[ 7201  6642  6642 ...,  9498  9498 10057]
 [ 6642  6363  6642 ..., 10057 10616 10616]
 [ 6922  6642  6922 ..., 10337 11175 10616]
 [ 5412  5132  5412 ..., 13000 12580 12021]
 [ 5796  5517  5796 ..., 12546 12546 11987]
 [ 5796  5796  6076 ..., 11987 12546 12546]]
<type 'numpy.flatiter'>
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-f3027ba6c0c9> in <module>()
     36 print(type(image_data.flat))
     37 NBINS = 1000
---> 38 histogram = plt.hist(image_data.flat, NBINS)

k:\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\pyplot.pyc in hist(x, bins, range, normed, weights, cumulative, bottom, histtype, align, orientation, rwidth, log, color, label, stacked, hold, data, **kwargs)
   2956                       histtype=histtype, align=align, orientation=orientation,
   2957                       rwidth=rwidth, log=log, color=color, label=label,
-> 2958                       stacked=stacked, data=data, **kwargs)
   2959     finally:
   2960         ax.hold(washold)

k:\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\__init__.pyc in inner(ax, *args, **kwargs)
   1809                     warnings.warn(msg % (label_namer, func.__name__),
   1810                                   RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
-> 1811             return func(ax, *args, **kwargs)
   1812         pre_doc = inner.__doc__
   1813         if pre_doc is None:

k:\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\axes\_axes.pyc in hist(self, x, bins, range, normed, weights, cumulative, bottom, histtype, align, orientation, rwidth, log, color, label, stacked, **kwargs)
   5958             x = np.array([[]])
   5959         else:
-> 5960             x = _normalize_input(x, 'x')
   5961         nx = len(x)  # number of datasets   5962

k:\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\axes\_axes.pyc in _normalize_input(inp, ename)
   5889             """
   5890             if (isinstance(x, np.ndarray) or
-> 5891                     not iterable(cbook.safe_first_element(inp))):
   5892                 # TODO: support masked arrays;
   5893                 inp = np.asarray(inp)

k:\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\cbook.pyc in safe_first_element(obj)
   2540 def safe_first_element(obj):
   2541     if isinstance(obj, collections.Iterator):
-> 2542         raise RuntimeError("matplotlib does not support generators "
   2543                            "as input")
   2544     return next(iter(obj))

RuntimeError: matplotlib does not support generators as input

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